November 4, 2021
09:00 - 17:00
On Thursday, November 4, immediately before the main conference begins, the American Society for Legal History is hosting an in-person preconference event on Regulation and Administration in American Life: Legal Historical Perspectives.
The morning panels –open to anyone who registers in advance and agrees to read pre-circulated materials–will feature works-in-progress from “new voices” in the field (ranging from advanced graduate students to assistant professors). The afternoon session, open to anyone who registers in advance, will consist of round-table panels, structured to generate wider-ranging, interdisciplinary conversations about where the field is and where we see it going.
Anyone attending the main conference is welcome to register for this pre-conference event at no charge. We hope to provide lunch for attendees who have registered in advance. Please make sure to register for this free pre-conference no later than Oct. 14.
We strongly encourage all pre-conference attendees to stay at the conference hotel. Details on our conference hotel are here https://aslh.net/conference/2021-annual-meeting/. You do not need to register for the main conference to take advantage of the discounted rate.
ASLH COVID-19 protocols are detailed here(https://aslh.net/conference/2021-annual-meeting/); the same protocols will apply to the preconference.
For more information, email
Karen Tani ktani@law.upenn.edu
Nicholas Parrillo Nicholas.parrillo@yale.edu
Joanna Grisinger Joanna.grisinger@northwestern.edu
Venue: InterContinental New Orleans
Venue Phone: 1 800 424 6835
Venue Website: https://www.icneworleans.com/