Virtual Early Career Legal History Workshop





June 30, 2024

ASLH Early Career (Virtual) Legal History Workshop
Deadline for Applications:  June 30, 2024

The American Society for Legal History (ASLH) is delighted to announce a new virtual initiative – the Early Career (Virtual) Legal History Workshop – designed to provide support and intellectual community to early career scholars working in legal history, broadly defined.

Applications are invited from early career, pre-tenure scholars, publishing in English, who have completed PhDs or JDs (those working toward a JD/PhD must have completed the PhD).  Scholars with expertise in all chronological periods and geographical fields are encouraged to apply, as are scholars who may not (yet) identify as legal historians. Though time zones present a challenge, one of the goals of the ASLH’s virtual initiatives is to increase opportunities for engagement between international and U. S. based scholars.  With this in mind, we encourage international scholars to apply.

The committee (the ASLH Working Group for Virtual Initiatives) will select seven (7) Fellows for the 2024-25 workshop. The workshop will be limited to the Fellows and Faculty Chairs and will meet once monthly via Zoom from September through April (no meeting in October because of the Annual Meeting) giving each fellow an opportunity to share work-in-progress with the group for discussion and feedback.  The 2024-25 Early Career LHW will be chaired by Bhavani Raman, Associate Professor of History, University of Toronto, and Dan Sharfstein, Dick and Martha Lansden Chair in Law and Professor of History, Vanderbilt University.  The date and time of the monthly workshops will be established by the Faculty Chairs. Fellows must commit to participate for the full academic year.

Elements of Application
(1) Cover Letter (1 page) (the cover letter should address the following points: briefly describe your research and path to the project, note the intended result (book/article/other) and the stage of the project, explain your interest in being part of the 2024-25 workshop, and note your time zone (UTC) and range of flexibility for meeting);
(2) Curriculum Vitae (2 pages) (including education and degree dates, current appointment, publications and conference papers, and professional society affiliations);
(3) Proposed Paper Title and Abstract (up to 100 words);
(4) 1 Letter of Recommendation (the letter should be from someone who knows you and your work well and who can comment on how you would benefit from and contribute to the workshop community).

Applicants should submit items 1-3 in a single pdf.  And arrange to have the letter of recommendation submitted directly.

All application materials should be sent to Barbara Welke,
The deadline for applications is June 30, 2024.  Only complete applications will be considered.

Questions? Write to Barbara Welke