Max Planck-ASLH Dissertation Prize for European Legal History in a Global Perspective




€2,500/month for 3 months, plus limited travel costs and insurance


June 1, 2024

The Max Planck-ASLH Dissertation Prize for European Legal History in a Global Perspective will honor exceptional dissertations on topics in European legal history in global perspective and presented for PhD or JSD degrees awarded in the previous calendar year. Topics may include European legal interactions with people or places outside Europe, legal processes spanning Europe and other world regions, and developments in legal theory closely related to imperial, transnational, or trans-regional trends.

The prize this year is for dissertations submitted for degrees awarded in 2023. Dissertations must be written in English. The prize recipient will receive a three-month residential fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt. The fellowship includes a monthly stipend, in accordance with the regulations of the Institute’s visitor program, round-trip airfare to Frankfurt (up to €1,500), and accommodation in an institute apartment (valued at €700 per month).  Currently, the monthly stipend is €2,500 for scholars with a PhD or JSD, and an additional €100 allowance for mandatory health insurance. The stipend will be offset against other sources of income. The timing of the period in residence at the Max Planck Institute is flexible and will be arranged in consultation with the Institute directors. Typically, the three-month period will take place in the fall or spring within a year or two of the date of the award.

Elements of Submission

(1) Curriculum Vitae (including date of degree);
(2) Plan for Use of Fellowship Time at the Max Planck Institute (up to 500 words);
(3) Dissertation (including abstract); and
(4) Letter from Dissertation Advisor

Please submit items 1-3 in a single pdf.  The Dissertation Advisor should submit the letter of recommendation directly.

All application materials should be sent to

The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2024.  Only complete submissions will be considered.

Questions? Write to Barbara Welke

Committee Members

  • Lauren Benton
    Yale University

  • Thomas Duve
    Max Planck Institute for Legal History

  • Fahad Bishara
    University of Virginia